• Annual Society for California Archeology Conference

Industry: Non-Profit

Service Provided: Interpreting

Location: San Diego

The Objective: The Society for California Archeology invited a team of paleontologists from Argentina and Chile to attend their annual conference. Several would be making presentations to the attendees at the conference.

Unique Challenges: The conference would present a unique challenge with the subject matter, terminology and the fact that the attendees were also specialists in their field but would need all terms translated into Spanish.

Solutions to problems encountered: The client provided us with a draft of several of the presentations with a few days to go before the conference. Our interpreters used the presentations as reference material to learn about the specific subject matter that would be up for discussion.

Final Outcome: Our interpreters did a great job of accurately and faithfully translating a highly specialized subject matter to experts in their field.

Testimony: Before anything I want to express the satisfaction of everyone in attendance with the translation services provided by your team. Thank you.

As you know, my side did not fulfill our obligation to get the presentations to you and your team in time to provide preview and read through. Papers were still being proffered Saturday morning. The discussions were complex in that the scientific terminologies were very wide-ranging and detailed. Some of our Spanish speakers were speed-talkers; and, with the exception of three presentations focusing on resources in the geographic region of San Quinti­n, the presentations were for locations all over the peninsula.

In spite of everything your translators served admirably and stayed in time with the presentations. The equipment and team were in place, connected and operational well ahead of the 0830 hour start time. All systems worked as planned, and your team was very professional and polite. It was a success.

I look forward to receiving your invoice and hope to be able to work with you again in the future. Gracias. William E.